Tag: acid


What started out as a simple percussive beat became a two-track release, titled Woodchuck. Centered around organic woody hits and deep, rolling synth, the Original Mix is layered with a dubby soundscape. The Acid mix takes a different direction, with driving basslines taking things over. The latter also features a sample from a friend’s presentation at Adobe Max, recorded years ago. She seemed cool with me using it. Thanks, TK.

Pull the project from Blend:

Or, pick up the final version from Beatport:

Woodchuck (Acid mix) has been removed but it might reappear here in the future.

New Predicament

newpredicamentNew Predicament is a smooth acid flavored track from 2001.  While a straight forward track, it does have a breaky West Coast feel which makes it fun to play.  Aside from the percussion and airy samples, most of the sounds were produced by the mighty Virus synth, some sampled and morphed further in the DAW, others recorded straight from the box and tweaked in real-time.

Listening to it after all these years I decided to slow it down a bit as the original was too fast by today’s standards. So I brought it down to 135bpm, and actually prefer it at this rate.

Once again, the wav download is available and recommended.

Download: New Predicament (mp3)Download: New Predicament (wav)


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